Colonel John Loisel, USAF Ret., passed away last Wednesday at the age of 89. He will be laid to rest this coming Friday at the DFW National Cemetary.
Col. Loisel joined the Army Air Corps prior to the beginning of WWII, and was onboard a ship bound for the Phillipines when Pearl Harbor was attacked. He was stationed in New Guinea, flying P-39s with the 36th Fighter Squadron, completing 83 missions. He then transferred into the first P-38 unit in the Pacific theatre, the 432nd fighter Squadron, which was working up in Australia. Going back to New Guinea, he eventually commanded the 432nd, and racked up 11 kills.
Col. Loisel flew F-84s with the 47th Fighter Bomber Group in the Korean War. He eventually retired from the USAF in 1970, and started a second career as a Physics teacher in the Plano, TX ISD.
During his career, he was awarded the Sliver Star, Legion of Merit, 3 Distinguished Flying Crosses, and 9 Air Medals.
Rest In Peace, Colonel.
Photo courtesy Col. Loisel's family